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3a. Communicating with Students

Before each class, a "do now" would be displayed on the screen in which students would have the opportunity to say how they feel each day.

do now.jpg

3b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques


3c. Engaging Students in Learning 

The way we spark discussion and question in our classroom is what engages students in critical thinking. To the right is a clip that shows a discussion between my students and I on the fundamentals of ballet alignment. Below is a Jamboard that shows student responses to a question that followed a video. This then sparked a discussion between students. Furthermore, I created this "color palate" that consisted of our hip hop characteristics over the course of a unit. This instructional material allowed students to refer back to vocabulary as a way to engage in discussion and questioning. 


Creating lessons that consist of formal and informal assessments allows for teachers to monitor student growth and for students to reflect on their work. Below shows a student checklists & teacher checklist that were used during group collaborations and student performances. 

3d. Using Assessment in Instruction

teacher checklist.jpg

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